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100 Words of Astounding Beauty

Sep 28, 2020

The pilot episode of our new flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time.

This episode gives us

'Tooth' by Paul Fisher Davies,
'Ecstasy' by Claudia Treacher,
'Untitled' by
Joshua Crisp,
'Capitalism' by
Paul McNally and
'Amazon Cinematic Universe Episode One: Alexa Origins' by
Tom McNally.

Nominate your favourite story for an award - either Truth, Beauty, Freedom or Love on Red Button Audio's twitter or by mailing us on 100words at

Transcript and first drafts are available here.

Created by Tom McNally, featuring Paul Fisher Davies, Claudia Treacher, Joshua Crisp and Paul McNally

Theme tune is Music For Jellyfish by Bell Lungs.

The prompt was also by Bell Lungs, an excerpt from Wolves Behind Us.

Story music was generated by Computoser.