Jul 14, 2023
A flash-fiction podcast where a
handful of writers create an original story with a limited
wordcount in a limited amount of time. In this episode we write
sequels to each other's stories from previous
The stories are:
'I Love You With All of my Cephalothorax' by
Armande, a sequel to 'My Proventriculus Overflows with
Love' by Tom McNally, from s02e08
- Bell Pepper.
'Roe vs Wade' by Joshua Crisp, a sequel
to '31
Weeks' by Claudia Treacher, from s01e10
- Sequels I, itself a sequel to '1 Swiss Court,
Leicester Square' by Tom McNally from s01e02
- Unzipping.
'The Defaced Volume' by Paul Davies, a sequel to 'Telltale' by Amelia Armande, from s02e02 - Secret Book.
'Gauges' by
Claudia Treacher, a sequel to 'Prospectors' by
Paul Davies, from s02e01
- Bird Chat.
'Metempsychosis' by Tom McNally, a sequel to
'Meat Slave' by Joshua Crisp, from s01e05
- Chomp.
Featuring listener
'The Masochists' by Christopher
T. Dabrowski
'Taxus bacchanalia' by Ella Brasington
Pour your love and
scorn on Red
Button Audio's twitter or by mailing us on 100words@redbuttonaudio.org
Created by Tom McNally,
featuring Amelia Armande, Joshua Crisp, Paul Davies and Claudia
Transcript and all story iterations are available here.
Theme tune is
Music For Jellyfish by Bell Lungs.
Story music was taken from DisKlavier World.
Track art generated by Midjourney