Apr 30, 2024
A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an
original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of
time. In this episode we turn around and around, clinging to each
other for stability.
The stories are:
'Marble Run' by Amelia
'Fill it up, Derek!' by Joshua Crisp
'Green Collar' by Peter Gardiner
'Superpower' by Nóra Blascsók
'The Property
Cycle' by Tom
Featuring listener submissions:
'Experiencing This State' by Christopher T.
Pour your love and
scorn on Red
Button Audio's twitter, our website,
or by mailing us on 100words@redbuttonaudio.org
Created by Tom McNally, featuring Amelia Armande, Joshua Crisp,
Peter Gardiner and Nóra Blascsók.
Transcript and all story iterations are available here.
Theme tune is Music For Jellyfish by Bell Lungs.
Story music is by John Bartmann, featuring:
Track art generated by Bing.