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100 Words of Astounding Beauty

Feb 9, 2021

A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time. In this episode the writers make a sequel, prequel, follow-up or AU on a story from a previous episode.

In this episode we have:
Debut' by Amy Sutton, a prequel to ‘Ecstasy’ by...

Jan 20, 2021

A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time. In this episode the writers make a first story then write a response to each other’s story. They then respond to those responses to make a short chain of inspiration and homage.

In this...

Jan 6, 2021

A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time. 

In this episode we have:
Billboard' by Amy Sutton
Danse Macabre’ by Joshua Crisp
‘Tranquility’ by Ella Brasington
‘Sound' by Hiu Wai Lee and
'The Special' by Tom McNally.
